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SunSirs: The Price of Tetrachloroethylene Has Fallen Narrowly after the Hholiday, and Expectations A

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  After the holiday, the price of tetrachloroethylene fell narrowly

  According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of February 18th, the domestic price of tetrachloroethylene was 4,083 RMB/ton, a narrow decrease from the price of 4,116 RMB/ton on February 8th before the holiday; As Shandong Binhua began to quote in mid January, the market supply was sufficient, but trading volume was weak. Starting from February, the price of Luxi Chemical Industry slightly decreased, and after the holiday, the market followed the pricing of large factories, resulting in a narrow decline in the price of tetrachloroethylene.

  The trend of downstream refrigerants was stronger

  The refrigerant market continued to rise strongly near the Spring Festival, with a significant increase. The factory offer for R125 had increased to 45,000 RMB/ton, with a market price increase of 9,000 RMB/ton compared to the beginning of the month. Due to the increasing demand for air conditioning production and after-sales stocking in March, exploratory offers from enterprises continue to rise.

  Market outlook

  From the perspective of SunSirs, as enterprises resume production after the holiday, although the short-term market trading is expected to increase slightly, overall, the market still has optimistic expectations after the holiday.

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