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SunSirs: The Lithium Hydroxide Market in January First Fell and Then Stabilized

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  According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of January 31st, the average price of industrial grade lithium hydroxide in China was 97,600.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 26.95% compared to January 1st.

  Analysis review

  The domestic lithium hydroxide market in January first fell and then stabilized. In the first half of the month, the upstream lithium carbonate market was weak and volatile, and the upstream spodumene concentrate market fell. The cost support was average, and the supply side mainly digested inventory. The downstream demand for high nickel materials was poor, and the follow-up of procurement in the lithium hydroxide market was slow. Market transactions were mainly long-term orders, and the lithium hydroxide market was operating under pressure. Some enterprises lowered their high-end quotations. In late January, cost support was limited, and some factories started operating at a low level. Downstream inquiries and procurement were cautious, with a focus on buying in demand. The market was weak and stable, and there was a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market.

  Upstream lithium carbonate: According to the monitoring of the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the price of industrial grade lithium carbonate remained stable and fluctuated weakly in January. On January 30th, the average domestic mixed price of industrial grade lithium carbonate was 91400 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.77% compared to the average price of 94000 RMB/ton on January 1st.

  Market outlook

  According to analysts from SunSirs Lithium Hydroxide, the demand side was flat, and the buying atmosphere was average. The market transactions were mainly in demand. It is expected that in the short term, the domestic lithium hydroxide market may remain stable and operate in a wait-and-see manner, and more attention should be paid to market news guidance.

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