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SunSirs: The Price of Sodium Metabisulfite Was Weaker in January

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2024-02-02   Views:391

  Price trend

  According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the domestic price of sodium metabisulfite was weak in January 2024. The average price of industrial grade sodium metabisulfite on January 1 was 2,500.00 RMB/ton, and on January 31, it was 2,400.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 4.00% within the month.

  Analysis review

  After the holiday, the prices of upstream raw materials such as soda ash and sulfur continued to decline weakly, and the cost of raw materials remained low. In January, manufacturers lowered the factory price of sodium metabisulfite, driving the domestic market price of sodium metabisulfite back down.

  Entering late January and approaching the end of the year, the concentrated downstream stocking had ended. In addition, the fluctuation of raw material costs was stabilizing, and the overall trading volume of the domestic sodium metabisulfite market was turning weak. The overall price of the domestic sodium metabisulfite market was stable and moving forward.

  In January, domestic soda ash prices fluctuated and declined, falling by 15.05% within the month. Sulfur prices fluctuated and declined, falling by 12.5% within the month. The fluctuation and decline in raw material costs will exert certain pressure on the market price of sodium metabisulfite in the future.

  Market outlook

  Analysts from SunSirs believe that cost fluctuations had decreased, market trading had turned weak, and the price of sodium metabisulfite in the domestic market is weak and difficult to improve in the short term.

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