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SunSirs: The Domestic First-class Titanium Sponge Market Was Mainly Operating Weakly and Steadily (J

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  Price trend

  As of February 2, 2024, the domestic market price of first-class titanium sponge was between 50,000-53,000 RMB/ton. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of February 2nd, the benchmark price of domestic first-class titanium sponge was 51,500.00 RMB/ton. Compared to the beginning of the week, it remained unchanged.

  Analysis review

  As the end of the year approaching, downstream procurement in the titanium sponge market had significantly weakened, coupled with logistics rest, some enterprises were gradually taking a break, and pre holiday inventory replenishment was basically completed. The cost side prices were high, and production enterprises faced significant production pressure. It is expected that the titanium sponge market will maintain weak and stable operation in the short term.

  Market outlook

  SunSirs’Titanium sponge Analyst believes that the downstream market demand for domestic titanium sponge was weak, and prices had slightly declined. It is difficult to recover after the holiday, and it is expected to operate weakly and steadily in the short term. Please pay attention to the actual transaction situation in the market for future developments.

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