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SunSirs: On December 1st, domestic hydrochloric acid prices fell by 18.03%

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2023-12-05   Views:126

  Product name: Hydrochloric acid

  Latest price (December 1st): 125.00 RMB/ton

  Analysis review

  On December 1st, the domestic market price of hydrochloric acid dropped significantly, with a decrease of 27.5 RMB/ton compared to November 30th, a decrease of 18.03%, and a year-on-year decrease of 29.75%.

  The upstream liquid chlorine market had recently experienced a slight decline, with insufficient cost support. The downstream PAC market was consolidating at a high level, and downstream purchasing willingness was average.

  Market outlook

  The domestic hydrochloric acid market prices may fluctuate and fall in the future, with an average market price of around 120 RMB/ton.

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