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SunSirs: Insufficient Support from Positive Factors, Acetic Anhydride Prices Fluctuated and Fell Thi

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  Acetic anhydride prices fluctuated and fell this week

  According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of November 23, the price of acetic anhydride was 5,700 RMB/ton, a fluctuating decrease of 1.08% compared to the price of 5,762.50 RMB/ton on November 16. The support from raw material prices was insufficient, acetic anhydride enterprises resumed production, and the price of acetic anhydride fluctuated and fell this week.

  The equipment operating load of domestic acetic anhydride manufacturers had increased, and the overall inventory of acetic anhydride manufacturers remained low. The spot market supply of acetic anhydride was sufficient, and the pressure on acetic anhydride decline still existed.

  Acetic acid prices rebounded and rose this week

  According to the market analysis system of acetic acid products in SunSirs, as of November 23, the price of acetic acid was 3,175 RMB/ton, a slight increase of 0.79% compared to the price of 3,150 RMB/ton on November 16. Some acetic acid enterprises had stopped production of equipment, Guangxi acetic acid enterprises had started at low loads, and Anhui acetic acid enterprises had shut down due to malfunctions, coupled with low inventory levels among manufacturers, acetic acid supply decreased, acetic acid prices increased, and cost support for acetic anhydride still existed.

  Market outlook

  Acetic Anhydride Data Analysts from SunSirs believe that the supply of acetic acid had decreased, the price of acetic acid had increased, and the cost support for acetic anhydride had increased; The operating load of acetic anhydride manufacturers had rebounded, and the supply of acetic anhydride had increased, resulting in significant downward pressure on acetic anhydride. In the future, with increased cost support and sufficient supply of acetic anhydride, it is expected that the price of acetic anhydride will fluctuate and rise in the future.

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