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SunSirs: In the First Week of November, the N-Propanol Market Saw a Slight Decline

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2023-11-09   Views:167

According to the price monitoring data of SunSirs, as of November 3, 2023, the reference price of domestic n-propanol was 7,766 RMB/ton. Compared with October 29, 2023 (reference price of n-propanol was 7,800 RMB/ton), the price was reduced by 34 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.43%.

Analysis review

Entering November, this week, the domestic n-propanol market as a whole saw a slight decline. The trading atmosphere inside the n-propanol field as relatively light, and downstream demand was mainly based on quantity and demand procurement. Some n-propanol factories and suppliers in Shandong region lowered the price of n-propanol narrowly based on their own shipment and storage conditions, with a reduction of about 50-100 RMB/ton. The operation of n-propanol units in the Nanjing area was normal and the operation of the n-propanol market was stable overall. As of November 13th, the high ground price difference of n-propanol on the market was relatively large. As of November 13th, the domestic market price of n-propanol in Shandong region was based on 7,000-8,000 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

At present, there is little change in the supply and demand information of the domestic n-propanol market, and the overall downstream demand performance is relatively cautious. The n-propanol data analyst of SunSirs predicts that in the short term, the domestic n-propanol market will mainly adjust and operate in a range, and the specific trend still needs to pay more attention to the changes in the supply and demand information.

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