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SunSirs: The Order Was Acceptable, and the Price of Potassium Sulfate Was Stable

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  According to the monitoring of the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the price of 50% potassium sulfate at the beginning of this week was 3,433 RMB/ton, and the price of 50% potassium sulfate at the end of this week was 3,433 RMB/ton, indicating stable prices.

  Analysis review

  As of November 3, the operating rate of the potassium sulfate plant in Mannheim had remained relatively stable, and the order volume in the factory was still acceptable. Early orders were still being delivered, and some regions had high factory quotations and some low-priced sources of goods in the market. The factory price of 52% Mannheim potassium sulfate powder was mostly between 3,550-3,700 RMB/ton, and the actual transaction price was mainly negotiated, with the southern market price significantly higher than the northern market price.

  The domestic supply of potassium fertilizer was relatively large, and the supply was mostly concentrated in the hands of large traders. Under the control of the release volume, the market supply circulation was relatively limited. The production of domestic potassium chloride manufacturers was relatively normal, and railway shipments continue, but the arrival volume in various regions was relatively scattered.

  Market outlook

  The cost was rising, and it is expected that the domestic potassium fertilizer market prices will mainly fluctuate and tend to be stronger in the short term.

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