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SunSirs: The Dimethyl Carbonate Market Remained Stable and Consolidated This Week (May 12-18)

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2023-05-22   Views:151

  Price dynamics:

  According to monitoring data from SunSirs, as of May 18, 2023, the reference factory price of domestic industrial grade dimethyl carbonate was 4,633 RMB/ton, which was basically the same as May 12, 2023. Compared with May 1, 2023 (reference price of dimethyl carbonate was 4,766 RMB/ton), it was reduced by 133 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.80%.

  Market dynamics:

  From the data monitoring chart of SunSirs, it can be seen that this week (5.12-5.18), the overall domestic dimethyl carbonate market remained stable and consolidated. This week, there was little change in the supply side of dimethyl carbonate, and the overall news in the market was relatively calm. The downstream demand side continued to maintain purchasing just on demand, and the dimethyl carbonate market was operating steadily on a sideways basis. As of May 18, the domestic market price of dimethyl carbonate was around 4,400-4,800 RMB/ton.

  Market outlook

  As of the 18th, the overall trading atmosphere on the domestic dimethyl carbonate market was light, and the supply and demand sides provided stable support to the market. SunSirs’dimethyl carbonate data analyst predicts that in the short term, the domestic dimethyl carbonate market will mainly be stable with minor fluctuations, and the specific trend will need to pay more attention to changes in supply and demand information.

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