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SunSirs: Shandong Propane Market Stopped Falling and Stabilized on the 21st

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  Price trend

  On the 21st, the Shandong propane market stopped falling and stabilized.

  Analysis review

  Recently, the Shandong propane market continued to decline, with a continuously increasing decline. The market price appeared to be high in the south and low in the north. It is reported that the cost of imported gas continued to decline, and downstream purchasing gas was insufficient, resulting in continued pressure on upstream shipments. There was a strong pessimistic atmosphere in the market, and the continuous decline in prices stimulated the purchase of goods.

  Market outlook

  As of the 21st, the price of propane was relatively high, and in the face of loose market supply and low import costs, it is expected that propane will continue to be lowered in the near future.

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