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SunSirs: Polyamide POY Weekly Market Report (3.13-3.19)

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2023-03-21   Views:153

  On March 20th, the benchmark price of polyamide POY for SunSirs was 15950.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.27% compared to the beginning of this month (15750.00 RMB/ton).

  From March 13th to 19th, the price of nylon filament was slightly increased, and nylon filament manufacturers' offers were firm. The overall order sustainability was not high, with a majority of downstream wait-and-see mentality. Although it has entered the traditional peak season, the current sales situation of textile manufacturing enterprises is still difficult to open, and there are few dynamic sales products, especially those with conventional fabrics occupying a large market share, but the sales are not as expected. Nylon filament factories mainly deliver early orders, and the industry operates at a minimum of cost and profit.

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