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SunSirs: On March 16, the Domestic Butyl Acetate Market Rose Slightly

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  Price trend

  According to the monitoring of SunSirs, the market of butyl acetate rose slightly on March 16, up 1.37% from the previous day. The mainstream quotation range was 7,300-7,500 RMB/ton.

  Analysis review

  The rise was mainly driven by the cost side. According to the monitoring of SunSirs, the price of n-butanol, the upstream product, rebounded this week, with a weekly increase of 1.86%. The rise in raw materials led to a rise in downstream butyl esters. However, the supply and demand fundamentals were still weak, and the market transactions were not good. The enthusiasm of downstream market entry was not high, and the consumption rate in the region was slow, and the supply and demand remained relatively balanced.

  Market outlook

  The cost side is good in the short term or can be realized, but the supply and demand fundamentals are weak and difficult to change. It is expected that butyl acetate will lack power to continue to push up. In the later stage, butyl acetate may continue to maintain the adjustment pattern.

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