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SunSirs: The Market Mentality Was Unstable, and the Price of Potassium Sulfate Went Down

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  According to the monitoring of SunSirs, at the beginning of this week, the price of potassium sulfate (Content: 50%) was 3,900 RMB/ton, and at the end of this week, the price of potassium sulfate (Content: 50%) was 3,833 RMB/ton, down 1.71%, down 7.26% year on year.

  Analysis review

  Under the condition that the price of raw potassium chloride continued to rise, the low price selling behavior of potassium sulfate in the early stage had basically disappeared. The supply of potassium sulfate was relatively concentrated. The ex factory price of 52% Mannheim potassium sulfate powder was mostly 3,700-3,900 RMB/ton, and the price of granular potassium sulfate was 3,750-3,900 RMB/ton, and it was difficult to find any product of granular potassium sulfate. The market price of 50% potassium sulfate powder of Qinghai water salt system was mostly at 3,450-3,500 RMB/ton, and the transaction was negotiated.

  After the launch of Winter Storage in the Northeast market, some downstream compound fertilizer plants had a certain amount of demand for granular potash fertilizer, and continued to inquire about goods. In addition, most small and medium-sized traders were building a small number of warehouses to purchase. Therefore, a certain price driving force was formed for the potash fertilizer market, and favorable factors were gradually emerging.

  Market outlook

  The current market mentality is not stable, and the price is slightly chaotic. It is expected that the potash fertilizer market will be dominated by shock consolidation trend in the later period.

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