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  • Shandong Yuexing Chemical Co.,Ltd.
  • Main:a most established enterprise engaged in research, production and marketing of fine chemicals.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Main:is mainly engaged in the research and development, production, technical services, and import and export business of pharmaceutical intermediates, electronic materials and fine chemicals.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Xinxiang Juyuan Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Main:is specialized in the manufacture, research and development of pharmaceutical intermediates and fine chemicals, such as Meropenem, Biapenem ,and series intermediates of Penem.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Changzhou Sinly Pharmchem Co.,Ltd.
  • Main:Manufacturer of Captopril、Enalaprilat 、Betahistine&salte 、Doxofylline、 Flutamide、Thalidomide 、Cyclophosphamide、Minoxidil、Clonidine hcl、Leucovorin Calcium 、Meloxicam and 5-Nitrouarcil、Potassium Thioacetate and Intermediates and so on.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Yangzhou Tianyuan Chem Co.,Ltd.
  • Main:Our main products include o-dichlorobenzene,p-dichlorobenzene and Chlorobenzene. We also offer chloroform , dichloromethane,dichloroethane,triethylamine ,etrahydrofura and dimethyl sulphoxide.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Qingdao Jiodine Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Main:Is a comprehensive enterprise specialized in the scientific research, development and production of pharmaceutical chemical products
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Huzhou Hengyuan Biochem. Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • Main:HCl, isoxepac, 5-Methylnicotinic acid, olopatadine hydrochloride, olopatadine hydrochloride, milrinone, azelnidipine, etc. Isoxepac, 5-Methylnicotinic acid and lornoxicam
  • [Verified]
  • Jinan Zhongya Xincheng import and export trade Co., Ltd
  • Main:mainly engaged in chemical raw materials, raw materials, pesticide raw materials, various intermediate raw materials, medical equipment and equipment domestic trade and export trade.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Hengshui Rayson Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • Main:is a pesticide and pharmaceutical intermediates, chemical products and other varieties of research and development, production, sales as one of the medium-sized high-tech enterprises.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Wuhan Organic Xinrong Chemical Co.,LTD.
  • Main:It is a professional chemical product research and development, production, application sales and service company.
  • (Manufacturers , Trading )   [Verified]
  • Jindian Chemical Co., Ltd
  • Main:Main potassium iodate, sodium iodide, iodate, sodium, high potassium iodate, potassium iodide, sodium iodide, potassium iodide, calcium iodide, potassium iodate and other products.
  • [Verified]
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