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Cabozantinib Malate

CAS: 1140909-48-3 
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Delivery: 3 days after payment
Valid until: Never
Updated on: 2024-04-28
Hits: 474
Company Details
 We are rapidly transitioning to an innovation and R&D-driven pharmaceutical company, leveraging our leading manufacturing and commercial capabilities to achieve our mission of “providing today’s patients with medicines of the future” (让患者早日用上更有效药物). We have established three R&D centers in Nanjing, Shanghai and Boston, respectively. With the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology, we have also established a national key laboratory of translational medicine and innovative pharmaceuticals (转化医学与创新药物国家重点实验室). We have been continuously recognized as one of the “Top 10 Innovative Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China (中国创新力医药企业十强)” and “Top 100 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Enterprises of China (中国制药工业百强)”.
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