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Emeishan Hongsheng Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd

The company is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in R & D, production and sales of Candesartan Cilexetil, Empagliflozin,Febuxostat,Linagliptin, Azilsartan and other intermediates.

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company profile
 Emei shan Hongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. is a medicines company with high technology dealing with APIs , preparations,

biological research, pharmaceutical intermediates, pharmaceutical adjuvant and product sales.

The purpose of the company is to develop with science and technology and put every effort to the business. The company itself has

been established a long-term partnership with several research and development institutions. We have been producing our traditional products and meanwhile testing new ones and continuously introduce new products hi-tech,high quality and high-added value for the sustainable development of the company.

Business philosophy is honesty,quality ,innovation,clients. Our aim is to devote ourselves to medicine for the sake of the patients. We have been trying to make the company a one with a strong research and development unit, a hi-tech production line, an advanced management department and a competitive marketing team. We aim to become ... [Introduce]